Monday 13 February 2012

The Tease

I just decided to play around on the dolls hair and tease it up a bit and make it into some kind of up/down style. Not many people like having big hair but if you do then you will enjoying teasing the hair and there is so much that can be done with hair, a comb and a tease...

Tease up from right

Tease up from left

The Hair Bow

I was sitting in my room and wanted to try something on my doll so I searched on the internet for different types on styles and things that can be done with hair and this is what I landed up doing :) A bow made with the hair.Simple but pretty...

Simple up-style Bow

Beautiful Hair Bow

Curler Tong

A curling tong was a very good invention in my eyes because it is so much more easier, faster and better than roller sets and pin curls. We used our tongs in class to make curls but also it put them up in the way that we do pin curls. It really does look beautiful and was a fun and easy process to do, it might take some time but once a person gets the hang of it, they go pretty quick :)

Curls set like pin curls

Beautiful curls

Outcome from Roller Sets

When doing roller sets, its up to you how the outcome will look because you can do anything with the hair once you have taken the rollers out but in class we have to follow specific instructions: Once we have removed the rollers we have to comb all the hair out and then tease all the hair in the different sections, once the hair has been teased we have to style it and make sure all the sections are closed. This creates a beautiful style. If big hair is what you like then this is for you :) I really enjoy the teasing part but not when it has to be brushed out... :) It cant be appreciated in a photo or on one of these dolls because its only 80% human hair but it really is awesome

Roller Set Teased up

Roller Set Teased up (Front)

Monday 6 February 2012

Roller Sets

So... We have started doing roller sets :) In the beginning it took me about 2 hours just to section the hair (Forever i know) but now i know exactly how to section, trust me!! After getting the sectioning right, the rollers were quite easy to achieve and i actually enjoyed doing them... its a bit of a pain on the fingers but the end result looks great. I will post some end results as soon as i get good ones :)

Me and My Dolly (Summer)

Roller Sets

Roller Sets Done in class

Roller Sets setting

My New Beginning

This is me on my first day of college... All excited and ready for the new adventure.
At the Academy we have a stunning uniform that has to be worn daily and our make-up and hair must be fully done :) it is a beauty academy so we have to look the part!! My first day was AMAZING!!

First Day At Academy